Squeezing enhanced ground-state cooling of semiconductor qubit coupled with mechanical resonator in microwave cavity | The European Physical Journal Plus,Progress and Prospects in Optical Ultrafast Microscopy in the Visible Spectral Region: Transient Absorption and Two-Dimensional Microscopy | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,Molecule-Based Exchange-Coupled High-Spin Clusters: Conventional, High-Field/High-Frequency and Pulse-Based Electron Spin Resonance of Molecule-Based Magnetically Coupled Systems | SpringerLink,Progress and Prospects in Optical Ultrafast Microscopy in the Visible Spectral Region: Transient Absorption and Two-Dimensional Microscopy | The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,Furfural: a renewable and versatile platform molecule for the synthesis of chemicals and fuels - Energy & Environmental Science (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/C5EE02666K